These tournaments are fundraisers for the various hosts' athletic programs. Admission will be charged and will be set at the discretion of the host site. Admission is charged on a per day basis, usually $8.00 for adults, $7.00 for seniors (65 and older) $6.00 for students under 17, and children under 6 are admitted free. NO FAMILY PASSES........ 2 Coaches, scorekeeper and your players are admitted free.

Rules for the Great 48 - 4th through 8th Grade Tournaments

Teams will provide a game ball that is suitable to both coaches and the referees.

4th-6th Grade Boys & Girls will use a women's ball supplied by one of the competing teams.. High School rules apply (3 one minute timeouts) games will be two 22 minute halves running clock. Clock will stop during the last 2 minutes of each half (2nd half if a team is up by 15 pts or more, clock doesn't stop); overtime games will have 1-1 minute timeout per overtime (no carry over)...first overtime is 2 minutes and 2nd overtime is sudden death. Games start every hour.

7th & 8th Grade Boys & Girls.....girls will use a women's ball supplied by one of the competing teams while boys will use a men's ball supplied by one of the competing teams. High School rules apply....each team is given 3 one minute time outs for the game. We play two 16 minute stop-time halves. Overtime games will have 1-1 minute timeout per overtime (no carry over)...first overtime is 2 minutes and 2nd overtime is sudden death.

There is also a 20 point no press rule. If a team is up by 20 points or more, they cannot press. 1st offense= warning, 2nd offense=Technical Foul

Each team must provide a scorekeeper. Please let the admissions table know who the scorekeeper is so they don't get charged admissions. Sometimes the host school will have players run the clocks. If they do, no parent scorekeepers are required.

The Great 48 staff will ONLY answer to the head coach of a team. Any parents that have any questions, comments, or concerns MUST submit them to their coach. At that time the Great 48 staff will be happy to converse with the coach. We want a positive and fun experience for the kids and parents.

We have been running tournaments for the past 20 years, and realize that basketball is an exciting and competitive game. However, the Great 48 and the tournament hosts reserve the right to warn or eject a player, coach or fan for unsportsmanlike conduct or improper behavior from a game, a tournament or for the entire Great 48 season. No refunds will be given to such teams or individuals. It is important to remember that we are trying to provide a fun & exciting weekend for the players.